Matthew Snyder

New York

Considered one of the original true though-leaders in mobile since 1995, Matthew has a 25 year background in developing consumer product and services that spans from Sony Consumer Video in the late 80's/early 90's to Nokia Mobile Phones from 1995 to 2007. He left Nokia the year Apple launched the iPhone to explore the next big thing in mobile.......multi-screen convergence and the internet of everything via his cross-screen agency Analog. Digital. Objects, Inc (ADO) based in Vancouver | NYC | and Tokyo.

One of the biz streams of ADO is an event series based on mobile convergence called MXM:MediaCrossMedia ( launched in NYC on (10.10.10). The series brings together thought leaders to explore and discuss the next wave of converged media with the personal connection across all channels with the mobile device at the core; A kind of remote-control of your life (digital hand. analog touch) .....

In 2011, (11.11.11) Matthew founded ResponsiveAds, Inc. The worlds first ad-tech company specifically focused from the ground up around Responsive Web Design and cross-screen advertising. (

ResponsiveAds launched is private beta- STRETCH on (12.12.12)

  • Work
    • ADObjects, Inc. | ResponsiveAds
  • Education
    • University of Illionois