Matthew Kumin

Los Angeles, Cailfornia

Matthew Kumin

Los Angeles, Cailfornia

Matthew has worked in the software and Internet industry for over eighteen years and has built a number of successful content-oriented digital businesses. Matthew is currently the CEO & Founder of PublishThis, a leading content marketing platform that powers content solutions for Brands, Retailers and Media Companies. Prior to that, Matthew served on the executive management team at, where as Executive Vice-President & GM he was responsible for helping grow the Internet's leading automotive site from 2001-2008. While there, was named "Best Car Research Site" by Forbes, selected by consumers as the "Most Useful Web Site" according to J.D. Power and Associates and was ranked first in the Survey of Car-Shopping Web Sites by The Wall Street Journal. Before that, Matthew helped develop and grow The Studio System, the entertainment industry's premier film and television database. Matthew started his career at Andersen Consulting and received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Texas in Austin. Matthew loves to travel, eat Italian food, drink big red wines, go to college football games, play tennis and coach his kids soccer and baseball teams.

  • Education
    • University of Texas