Maura Westerly

Web Developer, Software Engineer, and Project Manager in Liberty, Missouri

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Maura L Westerly - That's Me! I am a sales executive at Viasystems Group Inc in St Louis Missouri. We are a fast growing company and now one of the biggest companies in the state of Missouri. My job is to every day has to do with, calling customers, taking charge of all my staff members, and ensuring everything is running smoothly especially for our key accounts.

I originally am from Liberty, Missouri and graduated from Metro Business College in Arnold, Missouri. I majored in business with a minor in international business and marketing but because of one of my teachers, I also became extremely interested in website development and promotion.

I am married without kids now and love to kick ass in aerobics. I am a big sports fanatic and really enjoy watching the Cardinals and try to get to as many games as possible. My taste in music is now and forever will be rock and classic rock. I am also a video gamer and in my free time love to play Nintendo.

While my job still uses up the majority of my day, my actual interest and major emphasis in life besides my household stays in business structure and business building. I have a love for this area and seem to be honored with the capacity to quickly see problems and provide recommendations.