Maury Hodge Jr

Los Angeles,Ca

Maury Hodge Jr

Los Angeles,Ca

hello, wealth seekers

welcome to my about me page! briefly im a father of 5. four hard head boys and one beautiful princess. im 49 yrs of age and finally decided to take charge of my life and to live on my terms by starting an internet marketing bizness. my goal is to set myself up to retire in the next five years! But enough about me ! I ASKED THE ? R U $ HUNGRY? im looking for 12 motivated money hungry individuals that want to retire along with me. My focus is on daily cashflow and putting it to work with multiple income streams. below you will find a few links of programs i promote. im inviting you to join me on the road of prosperity !!! "remember thoughts determine what you want ,actions determine what you get!" join me today!

  • Work
  • Education
    • School Of Hard Knocks !!!