Maycon Beserra

Senior Software Engineer in Berlin, Germany

I’m a senior software engineer focused on agile development, architecture and team building.

Over the course of my career, I’ve been helping teams and companies deliver projects in Brazil, Germany, England, Wales, Australia and New Zealand with:

* Architecture, system analysis, and object-oriented programming;
* Best development practices (emerging architecture, clean code, refactoring, TDD, BDD and DDD);
* Enterprise application integration (EAI);
* Web API, WPF, Workflow Foundation, Windows Forms, Web Forms and MVC;
* Microsoft .NET framework / .NET Core
* Node.js / React / Docker
* Python / Docker

I’ve also worked in various areas: Education, EAI, CRM, ERP, health, vehicle tracking and GIS.

Key strengths: Agile development, SCRUM, Kanban, .NET Framework, .NET Core, Docker, Node.js, C#, Python, X++, VB.NET, T-SQL, Team Foundation Server, Git, Design Patterns, OOAD, DDD, TDD, Web API, WCF, WPF, Windows Forms, NHibernate, LinqToSql and Entity Framework.

  • Work
    • Auctionata AG