M. Diane Rogers
Genealogist, Historian, Educator in British Columbia, Canada
M. Diane Rogers
Genealogist, Historian, Educator in British Columbia, Canada
As a genealogy teacher, researcher and speaker, every day I help others find their family history. It's a great feeling!
I'm experienced in Canadian genealogy and in the local history of the Greater Vancouver area and British Columbia. I love old photos, postcards and newspapers.
I'm researching the families of Newdale, Manitoba, Canada where my Mum and my Na grew up as a One-Place Study.
And I have a One-Name study for my paternal grandmother's surname SAGGERS and am active in the LEWIS One-Name Study and a new Guild of One-Name Studies site - Women's Stories.
Look for news on my upcoming classes and talks at the Genealogical Speakers Guild or on my main blog, CanadaGenealogy, or, Jane's Your Aunt. Talking genealogy there since 2005!
Activities right now are still mostly online!
Facilitator of the Scandinavian Genealogy Group and the Downtown Vancouver Genealogy Group.
Vancouver Postcard Club - Past President, Past Editor and Past Web Manager
Vancouver Branch, United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada, Treasurer
Genealogical Speakers Guild
Guild of One-Name Studies - Pacific Region & Canada Regional Representative
Scandinavian Cultural Society - Board Member
Community-Centred College for the Retired - Board Member
Virtual Genealogical Association, BC Chapter, Co-representative
CanadaGenealogy, or, Jane's Your Aunt
Newdale MB Genealogy
Postcard Craze
Graveyard Rabbit of British Columbia (archived)
The photograph shows a fall day at Vancouver, BC's beautiful Mountain View Cemetery. (Yes, I do tours there and at Ocean View Cemetery in Burnaby. Contact me for info - later.)