Maria James

Las Vegas, Nevada

I am on my own Hero’s journey. I was created with a spark of divinity, which means I am in part divine. My life’s actions and reactions directly reflect this belief in self. Too many fail to see the divinity within, yet it exists as a part of us all. Having constant vigilance in my quest to be the best me I can be, ever evolving. I seek to bring joy and light wherever I go. I Aim to Ease So lie back and relax won’t you please For suffering in others, like magic I appease Whether physical, mental or spiritual the affliction I have in me the power to guide through my actions and diction Trust me health does not come from a pharmaceutical prescription As Above So Below and through me does flow the Force of the Universe it radiates from me and helps others glow.

  • Work
    • Platinum Hotel Well Spa
  • Education
    • Everest College
    • University of California, Irvine
    • Los Angeles Valley College
    • Louisville High School