mega clean

Software Engineer, Web Developer, and Designer in United States

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In today’s date, most states have legalized the use of cannabis. However, employers don’t seem to consider that part. Pre-employment drug tests are still happening to test the presence of THC molecules in your body.

That’s a stinker, right! We hope things change in the next few years. Until then, let us tell you some cool hacks to clear your upcoming drug test.

Everyday users are going to need at least four weeks to pass sometimes even five or six. If you typically don't smoke weed and there's no pre-existing build up, it's different. Due to presence of several factors it's become very hard to say that what exact time you needed to become THC (active ingredient of weed) free after quitting weed.

You can read the detailed guide by following this link.

Cannabis is detectable in the blood for approximately 5-7 days after use, with heavy/regular use detectable in the blood for approximately up to 3 weeks. Presence of THC-COOH (metabolized excretory form of THC) in the urine sample depends on frequency of your weed smoking. Urinalysis is the most common method that used to screen marijuana use. Probably, you may undergo to a urine test for screening while going for a job.

You might have heard a lot about random ideas such as mixing creatine, drinking cranberry juice, and such. But, here’s the thing - no one actually knows if they work. And, to top it up, the Internet is full of scam and fake products. It is really difficult to find genuine reviews about products.

But, we did the hard work for you! Here’s 4 awesome things you should try to pass a drug test -

If you are looking for the detoxifier to pass the drug test for THC, then detox drink will really help you to do this. It's also important to choose the best detoxifier to cleanse your system.

Some herbal supplements are used to enhance the detoxification process, such as psyllium seeds, milk thistle and cayenne. Normally people go by the conception that cleansing drinks generally do not detox our body at all, which is actually wrong. Cleansing drinks temporarily remove the toxins passing through your bladder within a short time frame. However, for effective results, one needs to be able to choose the correct drinks.