Meghan Darby

Huntsville, AL

Meghan Darby

Huntsville, AL

Dr Darby is a Huntsville, AL native and graduate of Sparkman High School. She was a magna cum laude graduate of Mississippi State University before attending the UAB School of Dentistry. Following dental school graduation, Dr Darby completed a rigorous AEGD general dentistry residency at Eglin AFB, FL. She went on to serve as a Captain in the USAF at Moody AFB in Valdosta, GA.

Flint River Dental was opened in August of 2011. Dr Darby has two young sons. Jackson is age six, and Grayson is three. She has been married to Anthony Darby of Decatur, AL for over ten years.

Dr Darby enjoys hanging out with her boys, cooking healthy food for her family, and is a lifelong learner in her spare time. She is a passionate advocate for a healthy lifestyle and believes that a healthy mouth is the gateway to a healthful, full life.

  • Work
    • Owner and general denist at Flint River Dental
  • Education
    • Sparkman High School (1997)
    • Mississippi State University (2001)
    • UAB School of Dentistry (2007)
    • AEGD-1 Eglin AFB (2008)