Meg Harrell-Habasevich
Palm Harbor, Florida
Last summer I created my page. I was wondering what I was going to do with the rest of my life and my headline was "What's Next?" I'm happy to share with you that I have found my "purpose". In April of this year (2014), I branded my company Purposeful Interiors as an Property Redesign and Staging business. I have been extremely busy creating space in all the social media outlets and developing my collateral materials.
I am now ready to face the world with my passion in my heart and hands. I have begun sharing Purposeful Interiors with the community of which I live. I wake up every day excited about the opportunities that are waiting for me. For the first time in my career, I am doing this for ME.
When I read back on my entry last year, I am so blessed to have had the love and support of a wonderful man that has encouraged me to be happy in all that I do. All the puzzle pieces finally fit beautifully.
It is a "beautiful" life!