Melinda Lee
Los Angeles
Melinda Lee
Los Angeles
From an early age (29) I was fascinated with aging...not only how to do it gracefully but the bigger perception of how our society perceives adults who cross the 50+ threshold. Now that I have arrived, I am even more intrigued with the way we are viewed. Start to notice how advertisers deal with boomer and traditionalist populations. As a philanthropist, spokesperson, author, national speaker, wellness expert, commercial actor and jewelry maker I see from a global perspective the concept of a population I am coining as the "Ageless Generation." From Spoga(R) (and Simply Spoga) a yoga practice I developed that takes less than 10-minutes (available on Amazon Instant Download) to a natural skincare routine, again which takes less than 10-minutes I encourage women and men of all ages to take 10-minute baby steps throughout their day to get to where they want to go...a timeless beauty...a member of the Ageless Generation. Join us...