Melissa Roberts
Associaton Management and Self-Storage Operator in Dunlap, TN
My career in the self-storage industry began with Storage Depot in June of 2008 with the management of two self-storage facilities in Dunlap, Tennessee. While my strong customer service background, coupled with previous office management experience, provides a good foundation, I have worked to build my knowledge of the industry by earning my Certified Self Storage Manager (CSSM) designation and by reaching out to Tennessee Self Storage Association (TNSSA), as well as other industry organizations, for training and education. The two facilities that I continue to manage keep me active in the industry while strengthening my dedication to the growth of the TNSSA, as I understand the importance of proper education and training for owner/operators.
I joined TNSSA in 2009 and have served on the Board of Directors in several capacities over the years, including holding the offices of President, Vice President and Assistant Treasurer. Since 2014, I have worked for TNSSA as Administrative Director, handling the day-to-day business needs, organizing Association events, website and data management, and serve on each of the Board Committees.
I enjoy working within my community and being able to give back through the local school system, our local crisis pregnancy center and my home church.
I don't utilize "free time" very well. I'm at my most productive when in a time crunch! Busy and full is the way my home and business calendars stay. Whether it be renting a storage unit, doing website maintenance, designing a program ad for the latest non-profit function, organizing vacation bible school, attending a board meeting or cheering for my son at his baseball game, I am always in "GO" mode!
More than anything, I want my actions to breathe life into others.