Federico Menetto

Milano | Venezia | Chioggia

Eccomi! Sono Federico Menetto, chioggiotto, 35 anni, già direttore e amministratore delegato del prestigioso Caffè Pedrocchi di Padova, esperto nello sviluppo di progetti enogastronomici, eventi e marketing territoriale. Curo progetti di co-marketing per importanti maison e brand, con particolare interesse al mondo web e social. Conosco e amo il territorio italiano, anche se la passione per la cucina e il vino mi porta spesso in viaggio per il vecchio e il nuovo continente. Curo e gestisco le pubbliche relazioni per clienti e enti in Italia e all’estero. Il mio personale network di relazioni internazionali, raggruppa gourmet, chef ,giornalisti, blogger che coinvolgo in eventi e appuntamenti gourmet. Oggi guardo con particolare attenzione al Sud America e all’Africa dove promuovo il made in Italy enogastronomico e le eccellenze del nostro territorio.

Here I am! From Chioggia, Italy, former CEO at Caffè Pedrocchi in Padova and current Food and Wine Consultant. In my work, I deal with coordinating activities important to starting up new companies and projects, Public Relations and Press Office Management, both traditionally and on the internet. Through my personal network of national and international relations, I optimize time and efficiency of the projects I take on. I find business partners, I bring an end to projects keeping close attention to management, administration, and legal processes. I work with a team of professionals who ensure success in our business ventures. I know and love dearly my homeland in Italy, even though my passion for cooking and wine often takes me on travels throughout the old world in Europe and the new world in America. I take care of and manage public relations for clients and agencies in Italy and also abroad. I often associate with chefs and journalists with whom I organize events and meetings. I look particularly attentively to South America and Africa where I promote food and wine products made in Italy along with the excellence of our great homeland. I know Basque Country and Catalonia in depth.

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