Michael McMillan

Civic statesman Michael McMillan currently holds the office of License Collector for the City of St. Louis, Missouri. In this capacity, Michael McMillan is responsible for collecting millions of dollars in revenue from St. Louis businesses, as well as managing the overall functions of the city office. Since being elected as License Collector, Michael McMillan has achieved many of his initial campaign goals, such as to increase efficiency and customer service and develop better employee-training programs. The St. Louis Business Journal, the St. Louis American, and the St. Louis Sentinel have recognized the efforts of Michael McMillan to serve admirably as License Collector. Much of the public is already aware of Michael McMillan’s contributions to his community, through his prior post as Alderman of the 19th Ward. In his former position as Alderman of the 19th Ward, the largest and most diverse ward in St. Louis, Michael McMillan showed integrity and sincerity in representing his constituents. In another previous role as liaison to the citizenry, Michael McMillan provided residents with the city services, development resources, and public information they required. Michael McMillan also introduced legislation relevant to the community, voted on general initiatives for the Greater St. Louis, and helped initiate $1.5 billion worth of development projects. Michael McMillan worked with the Danforth Foundation to co-found the Vashon/Jeff-Vander-Lou Initiative, which later became the St. Louis Community Empowerment Foundation (STLCEF). Even after his term had ended, Michael McMillan remained an advocate for the 19th Ward by serving as Board Chairman of STLCEF, a position he still holds today. Michael McMillan is a graduate of Saint Louis University, where he earned his Bachelor of Arts in African American Studies with a minor in Political Science. Dedicated to community service from a young age, Michael McMillan twice received the Father Paul C. Reinert Community Service Award, and was the recipient of several academic and community service scholarships. Michael McMillan holds lifetime memberships with the American Council of Young Political Leaders, the NAACP, and the Urban League.