Michael Stearns MD

Michael Stearns MD

Dr. Stearns is a board certified neurologist who won several teaching awards during his 15 years in clinical and academic medicine. He served as the neurology clinical rotation director for the third year class of the University of Maryland School of Medicine and received the Faculty Student Teaching award from the students for his efforts. He also served as the neurology residency training coordinator at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, where he created a electronic training module/game that was extremely popular with the residents. He also has 15 years of experience in health information technology and has provided leadership to several high profile projects at the National Library of Medicine, the National Cancer Institute, and the College of American Pathologists. Dr. Stearns served as the international director of SNOMED, where he played a central role in the development of SNOMED CT, an evolving standard for the electronic transmission of clinical information being adopted worldwide. He has 12 years of direct experience with the design, implementation, and sales of electronic health records. Dr. Stearns served as the director of physician services at Greenway Medical Technologies for 6 years and then chief medical officer and then president and CEO of a leading vendor of e-MDs, Inc., both leading electronic health record software vendors. He is also a Certified Professional Coder, Certified Family Practice Coder and has been a member of the American Association of Professional Coders Family Practice Steering Committee.

Dr. Stearns is an accomplished lecturer and has been invited to speak on a wide array of topics at national and local venues including electronic health records, standards, health information exchanges, Meaningful Use, coding compliance, clinical terminology, patient safety, patient privacy, managing data integrity in information systems, SNOMED CT, ICD-9-CM, ICD-10-CM, quality of care improvements related to technology, clinical efficacy research, practice optimization, HIT workforce development, and genomic medicine (personalized healthcare). In the past three years he has provided testimony on 5 separate occasions before the Office of the National Coordinator of HIT. Dr. Stearns has sat or site on several committees and boards, and was the founding board president of the Texas e-Health Alliance. He is also a member of the American Society of Health Information Managers Physician Practice Co