
Therapist, Life Coach, and Writer in Bali, Indonesia


Therapist, Life Coach, and Writer in Bali, Indonesia

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Michele Cempaka is an Energy Healer, Consciousness Facilitator, spiritual teacher, and retreat leader in the international arena. With a background in Secondary Education, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, and Transformational Coaching, she has spent the last 7 years teaching Reiki 1, 2 & Master training, as well as leading retreats for personal empowerment and deepening one’s connection to Spirit and the collective consciousness. Michele’s highly empathic nature and natural gifts as a healer, together with her extensive training in a wide variety of alternative healing methods enables her to help people with numerous issues spanning from fears, phobias, anxiety, low self esteem, weight management, smoking cessation, strengthening the immune system, back pain, physical and emotional traumas and much more. After Michele was initiated as a Reiki Master in 2007, she had a massive spiritual awakening which turned her known world upside down. She has spent the last 7 years deepening her awareness and moving into greater consciousness as a way of being. She is happy to assist anyone seeking tools to create a more harmonious, joyful and conscious life. Michele does this through her intuitive coaching, Access Bars & Reiki classes and her private sessions both on Bali and abroad. She is also the creator of ‘Awakening the Goddess Within You’ Retreats and ETRCC ‘Emotional Therapy Thru Reiki Chakra Clearing’: an innovative healing technique which she has utilized for several years to help many clients who need assistance with overcoming a phobia or a traumatic event in their lives. Michele continues to coach, counsel and train people to actualize their personal and life vision, so that they can fully recognize and embrace how phenomenally they truly are. Michele is a catalyst for consciousness who loves facilitating a different possibility for everyone she encounters.

  • Work
    • Spirit weaver journeys
  • Education
    • San Francisco State University