Michelle Abounader

St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Michelle Abounader

St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Hi, I'm Michelle. Here you see me in Ardha Chandrasana; that is Sanskrit for Half Moon Pose. I'd say this is my favorite pose, but I'd be lying because my favorite pose is the one that I am doing in the moment. Truly.

As a yoga practitioner, I found a home in yoga in 1996 while recovering from a triathlon injury (ouch). I've been drawn to various styles of yoga, including Astanga, Iyengar, Anusara, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Restorative, Hatha, Kundalini, and Karma Yoga; my favorite...more because Karma Yoga is not a phyical movement yoga.

As an instructor, I love to entice my students to flirt with the sweetness of separating themselves from their story which allows them to take control of their mind, thus taking control of their life, without being attached to the fruits of their efforts. True peace! This is the Karma Yoga path...do your best without attachment to the outcome. I playfully refer to this life path as a living with no glory and no blame. I have to admit, in this culture it is hard to practice Karma Yoga. My saving grace? Meditation and practice, practice, practice!

My background as a science teacher aligns with my fascination for functional anatomy and alignment, enriching my experience on the mat. My ever-present interest in philosophy and spirituality aligns with the non-movement yoga that enriches my practice off the mat. (Well, on the mat as well but I don't want to get too deep. These bios are supposed to be short and sweet, right?)

I've been teaching yoga since 2006 when I received my Yoga Alliance Accredited 200-hour RYT certification, and I'll receive my Yoga Alliance Accredited 500-hour RYT advanced certification Spring 2014. With 4 children 10 years and under, I am proud to say this milestone is almost surpassed! I thank my awesome husband.

In 2006 I founded and currently still direct the "Rise n’ Shine 108 Sun Salutations: Ovarian Cancer Awareness," a fun and moving (pun intended) yoga event at the World's Fair Pavilion in St. Louis, Missouri. Profits from this event go to St. Louis Ovarian Cancer Awareness (S.L.O.C.A.). A large percentage of all of my other profits are donated to the Global Down Syndrome Foundation in honor of my adorable daughter, Cricket. Her three older brothers love that part! ;-)

  • Work
    • Yoga Instructor
  • Education
    • Science
    • Art
    • Yoga
    • Philosophy
    • Education