Michelle Carignan

Ithaca, NY

Michelle Carignan

Ithaca, NY

I am a senior Integrated Marketing Communications major at Ithaca College. My professional focus is in developing and consulting with nonprofit organizations.

I am currently working with an international on-campus consulting group called 180 Degrees Consulting. This organization helps a local nonprofit discover the core of their problems, create a solution and strategize its best next steps forward.

Outside of the classroom, I am exploring an opportunity with 360 Campaign Consulting. Currently, the organization is helping a candidate run her campaign for NY Senate.

During the spring 2015 semester, I studied in London where I learned about European cultures and outlooks on life different from my own. While there, I was a graphic design intern for a nonprofit organization called the West India Committee.

In my future, I aim to accomplish big goals. One day, I plan to to manage and lead a nonprofit organization into success and fulfillment.