Michelle SportsX

Small Business Owner in Las Vegas, Nevada

Michelle SportsX

Small Business Owner in Las Vegas, Nevada

Read my blog

I am the founder of SXM Media LLC and currently living in Southern Nevada.

My background is eclectic and at first glance it might seem as though I'm a wanderer, but remember all those who wander are not necessarily lost.

Back in 1996, I was a vice president for an international brokerage firm in New York City. I specialized in employment practices liability, directors and officers liability, and casualty insurance programs.

When my son was born in June, he was diagnosed with permanent brain damage, and although the extent of the damage was not known, I was told he would likely struggle with learning in a traditional manner. Put it this way, doctors at NYU said he's never get in to Yale or Harvard.

His brain injury prompted my desire to understand more about the brain, and I began to delve into studies of criminal behavior and violent behavior. I earned an undergrad and grad degree both in criminal justice, studied under Gavin de Becker, and focused on advanced threat assessment. This lead me to delve into the former NFL players' lawsuit against the NFL, which lead me to a desire to share about a charity for a former NFL player on social media. I got involved with a sports talk radio program, and segued into freelance writing, social media management, and eventually was invited to participate in a sports law segment on the radio.

I began to notice how crucial Twitter was in the world of sports. As Nelson Mandela once said, sports has the capacity to change the world. I now work to consult others on how qualitative social media management can enhance their overall marketing, and I spend lots of time working with sports professionals, as well as other, business owners to help them maximize their potential on Twitter. I am a certified social media professional, and enjoy connecting people who fear social media, or see it as a negative in the world in which we live.

You can click the button above to read my blog. If you’d like to get in touch, feel free to say hello through any of the social links below.

  • Work
    • Social Media
  • Education
    • Master Degree