Michelle Swanson

My name is Michelle Swanson, and I am a multi-credentialed executive resume writer and certified job search strategist who works with senior leaders across the globe. I am passionate about helping executives and future executives take control of their careers. My area of expertise is very narrow: I create resumes and other career marketing content (LinkedIn profiles, executive bios, cover letters, etc.) that help senior-level job seekers present the RIGHT image.

If you’re struggling with developing content that succinctly and clearly communicates what you have to offer, I would love to speak with you.

Based in the U.S., I provide services virtually to leaders around the world with a focus on job seekers in the U.S., Europe, and Middle East. My clients are diverse, representing 6 continents and all industries, but I work best with clients who meet one or more of these criteria:

Seeking compensation above $200K
Mid- to senior-level technology executives
International sales, marketing, and business development executives
Appreciates the value of proactive career management
Grounded and focused — has specific short- and long-term career goals

~ Nationally Certified Resume Writer (NCRW)
~ Certified Executive Resume Master (CERM)
~ Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW)
~ Certified Job Search Strategist (CJSS)
~ Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)