Mike Duco

Pastor and Blogger in the Philippines

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Hi! I am Mike, a pastor with a mentoring, preaching, teaching, worship-leading, and writing/blogging ministry.

I am pursuing my M.A. in Transformational Leadership at the International Graduate School of Leadership (IGSL).

IGSL is the training arm of Campus Crusade for Christ here in Southeast Asia.

In addition, I am a volunteer trainer of Wavemakers and of YouthSENTral, the Youth Ministry arm of the Conservative Baptist Association of the Philippines (CBAP). Both organizations are driven by a global vision of discipling emerging generations through empowering churches and youth ministries to fulfill the Great Commission (cf. Matthew 28:18-20). I am also part of the Marketing Team of the Global Leadership Summit Manila South.

As a pastor and life-long learner, I believe that God has called me and strategically placed me where I am to take part in His global agenda of mentoring and multiplying servant-leaders who will impact the present generation and the following ones.

  • Education
    • University of the Philippines Manila