Mike Lish

Commercial Real Estate Broker in Prosper, Texas

As a commercial real estate broker, I help individuals and businesses with their commercial real estate needs/problems - things like "our lease is expiring and we want to move" or "I want to build an office building for my company - can you help me find some land?" Or maybe "I have this piece of land I'd like to sell - can you help me?" I'll do my best to help you even if helping you means steering you to another broker who might be better able to serve your particular need. People do business with people they know, they like and they trust! How about a cup of coffee to get acquainted?

When I am not wearing the real estate hat, I enjoy being "Pops" to my grandchildren, the "Dog Whisperer" to my English Labradors, a "Dan Fogelberg wanna-be" for anyone who'll listen, and a barefoot water skiing enthusiast when the water's smooth! My wife, Lynn, and I enjoy our chill time down by the creek with a nice glass of wine and are looking forward to a bit more traveling now that she has stepped away from teaching!

Theme song - Chorus of Jimmy Buffet "Cowboy in the Jungle"

"Roll with the punches, play all of your hunches, make the best of whatever comes your way, Forget that blind ambition, make the most of your intuition...plowing straight ahead, come what may".

If you'd like to talk real estate, just click the "Book Consultation" button above and let's find a time to get together! I'll look forward to meeting you!!

  • Work
    • The Lish Company
  • Education
    • Texas A&M University