Mike Brooks

Southbury, Connecticut, United States

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I am an Internet Marketer helping local, 'brick and mortar' as well as online businesses to brand themselves and ultimately get more customers and make more money.

► Want results fast? We offer short intensive training programs for small business that teach online marketing (content, list building, SEO, social media marketing, etc). Training, strategies and implementation with measurable business goals.

► Want it all done for you? We are a full service online agency, I have the tools businesses need to become the most findable site on Google, the most social presence on Facebook, Twitter, etc, and most importantly, get more return on your marketing dollar investment.

► Interested in having me speak or train live or via online webinar? Contact me to discuss ways I can help:

✆ 203-889-4533
[email protected]

Starting in 2003, I co-owned Zandri's Martial Arts in Brookfield CT. Growing the school from on the verge of going under to a highly profitable and reputable organization. This is where I cut my marketing teeth.

One day a parent of a student said to me that he Googled "pizza in Brookfield" and found our martial arts school in the top 3 results. He hired me to do this for his business. Before long, I had a full roster of clients and decided to sell my share of the school back to my partner so I could focus my efforts helping small businesses.

Today I have clients all over the country. Our clients range from small, one person operations to a hospital.

Specialties: SEO (Search Engine Optimization), PPC, web design, social media, email marketing, Internet marketing, copy writing and direct response marketing,

☆ Podcast Host, Author, Speaker, Marketing Consultant, Marketing Trainer

  • Work
    • Seo Services