Mikito Tateishi

I am 25 years old Japanese youth, born in Chicago, ✈ Toronto ✈ Tokyo ✈ Chicago ✈ Tokyo ✈ Amsterdam ✈Tokyo ✈ Mountain View, CA.

As an entrepreneur: I am developing a new emotion sharing service called "Smilebacks" in Mountain View, Silicon Valley. The service enables users to share their emotions especially smiles by using webcams through watching favorite video clips.

As an artist: I direct animations, produce musics, draw calligraphies. The background picture of this page is a character of my 3DCG animation called "u.n.e.d", made in 2005, which won a Digital Hollywood VFX Award. Also, I published own music album called "Who is this Band, Anyway" in 2008, which ranked Indies 6th in Japan. Please visit my current works of music on Soundcloud page.

As a Chajin (茶人): I have been training the tea ceremony for 3 years. One of my lifeworks is to share ideas of Japanese spirit "Design infinities in limited space", through a way of accommodation in the tea ceremony.

My name is 立石幹人 in Japanese letter.