Nancy Homer

San Diego North County

If I'm not on the Golf Course driving a little white dimpled golf ball down the fairways then you will find me driving in MINI Pearl, my little '06 mini convertible, taking on a few back road twisties with the Southern California MINI Maniacs. I am proud to be the club VeeP this year and enjoy the comaraderie among our members. It is often said that we are an eating club that loves to drive or a driving club that loves to eat. Either way, the end result is the same. I hold the proud distinction of winning back-to-back-to-back 1st place Trophy's for Best of Presentation at our annual Car Show & Shine.

I also have had a Hole-in-One while playing golf at my home club, Morgan Run Club & Resort and was recently the President of the Nine Hole Swingers Golf Group.

I Love my little pet co-pilot, Maggie, who is with me when ever and where ever possible. She is a Yorkie and is best known as the official, unofficial Mascot of SCMM and is always welcomed by all that come into contact with her. My life is enriched beyond description since she adopted me in 2007.

  • Work
    • Self Employed
  • Education
    • Herbert Hoover, Glendale, Ca , Blair Community