Miracle Flights For Kids

Ann McGee has seen how difficult it can be for a struggling family to deal with sickness, illness, or health complications striking one of their children. It takes a burden on them that is spiritual, psychological, physical, and yes, financial. Ann McGee had the idea, more like she was besieged by the idea, one day that she could do something to help these families to experience better health care options despite not having the finances necessary for such undertakings. This idea would eventually become Miracle Flights for Kids.

Miracle Flights for Kids was founded in 1985 and has grown exponentially since that time. It is a non-profit that helps low income families to obtain financial assistance for air travel in order to obtain special medical care. The non-profit also worked to promote awareness of these services so that individuals in need will be aware of them. They are also continually seeking volunteers who want to do the hard-work of the charity, which is often unglamorous but nevertheless incredibly important.

Today, Miracle Flights for Kids has coordinated more than 90,000 flights for children in need of medical care, including traversing more than 50 million miles of medical air travel. It is today one of the United States' leading non-profits focused on health and welfare flight organization. Removing the barriers to healthcare access and improving the quality of life for numerous children is the goal of Ann McGee and Miracle Flights for Kids.