Mitchell Hall

Content marketing and communications leader in Brookline, MA, USA

Mitchell Hall

Content marketing and communications leader in Brookline, MA, USA

I craft marketing and communications strategy and programs for companies in technology, cybersecurity, and business/finance.

Growing up I captained my debate teams, wrote poetry and short stories, played piano, DJed and promoted parties, managed record stores, was a radio newsreader and radio-show host. I'm still a music obsessive.

I was also a surf lifesaver and played many sports competitively, including rugby, tennis, and soccer; raced motocross professionally, and was into snowboarding, hunting, karate, anything on or in the water, and most activities that could accelerate my poor parents' aging process.

Yes, I was insufferable. But some confused people liked me regardless.

I earned a BA in English literature, philosophy, and political science. To further my journalism career and establish a better base for exploring the world, I immigrated from New Zealand to New York City in 2009 during the depths of the great financial crisis. In my new country I unfortunately lacked any family, contacts, job, or a work visa. Many would say this was not the smartest move. But I was determined and lucky enough to make it work.

I've written for many publications as a freelancer, reporter, and columnist. And I spent a decade as managing editor at business, lifestyle, and technology websites such as

I moved from journalism to marketing in 2014, and from NYC to Boston in 2015. I also spent 2+ years working at McKinsey & Co. in internal communications/change management.

I'm now blessed with a beautiful, brilliant scientist wife and two adorable children. I'm available for marketing, communications, and editorial consulting jobs on a contract basis.

  • Education
    • University of Auckland