Agnieszka Gorońska
Poznań, Poland
Class, today's topic is... ME!
So they say that teaching is what I am - everything else is what I do. Let's tackle both.
- a woman born in 1987, in Poland, Central Europe
- bilingual (Polish/English) and curious from early childhood
- a teacher since I was 15 years old - first as a volunteer helping to teach kids less fortunate than me, then, gradually, by profession. I strongly believe in the individual approach to each and every student.
- aspiring polyglott now, teaching English, Japanese, Polish and Esperanto. Avid learner of many more languages. In love with sign languages lately.
- researcher and assistant in her alma mater - Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań; in her wide array of research interest she prefers glottodidactics and neurolinguistics the most
- I love books so much that I run out of shelfspace!!
- I write a lot. Blogs, papers, poems, books... you name it! You can search through the various links below to find out more.
- Sometimes I enjoy translating things.
- I maintain a life of an atheist, a freethinker and queer person, supporting LGBT right, equality among people and preaching science!
- In my freetime, if I have any, I enjoy cooking, baking, crafting, lenghty discussions, surfing the net and spending whatever money I had earned on more books and visiting variety of restaurants (where I taste whiskey - like a sir!).
Nice to meet you!