Mary Jo Figuerero
Archaeologist and researcher in Buenos Aires, Argentina
There are many ways to learn about my work and interests. I invite you to further explore:
My Current Research Project in Patagonia is based at the Instituto de Arqueología, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) where I am a researcher. A brief essay on the our research is also available in English. Our latest academic paper (2023) is available here as well as in an English version.
I recently retired from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) where I taught several courses as part of the archaeology degree at the Departamento de Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
Most of my presentations and publications are avaliable in different sites, mainly:
My ORCID ID helps unify some variations in my name. For example, I tend to use Mary Jo for social media and María José, my given name, in more formal contexts. There is also a my Redalyc profile.
I am always experimenting with new ways of communicating. One of the most recent is with Wakelet, a great way of putting a narrative together and collating digital sources. There are many collections on scientific outreach from my research, my collaborative work with indigenous communities in Santa Cruz, Argentina, and teaching resources.
Between 2016 and 2019 we ran a film Club in a historical cafe in Buenos Aires with an ethnographic twist and kept a facebook page with all our showings and research on the monthly topics.
So there are many ways I can be contacted. Feel free to say hello and stay in touch, through any of the social links below, or by mail
Postal address:
Instituto de Arqueología, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA
25 de mayo 217 piso 3,
C1002ABE Buenos Aires- Argentina