Banjo Mofesola Paul

Cofounder & CTO, Senior Software Engineer, and Lead Instructor in Akure, Nigeria

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I am Cofounder and CTO at Planet NEST — a tech innovation hub in Akure, Nigeria. I'm a senior software engineer with 10 years of experience in active software development, Lead Instructor at DevCrib – a NEST paid internship program building world-class software engineers. My interests range from technology to entrepreneurship. I am also interested in writing, innovation, and volunteering. I am passionate about impact, touching lives positively with technology and building a skilled Africa.

Fun fact: I'm a poet and I write for fun, you can check me out on Medium (@mofesolapaul).

Fun fact #2: I love good music, dance a lot, like meeting people, and I swim.

Geek alert: Check me out on GitHub @mofesolapaul if you're into stuff like codes.

You can click the button above to visit my website and learn more about @planetnest

  • Work
    • Cofounder & CTO at Planet NEST
  • Education
    • Federal University of Technology Akure