Mohamed Enaba
Radio Jockey and TV Presenter in Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Mohamed Enaba’s voice is one many listeners recognize and love across the UAE. You may know him as just Enaba, his famous on-air alias. Born in Egypt, he studied Marketing Communications in Cairo before jetting off to Sweden to chase his MBA and career.
He eventually found his way to Dubai and decided to listen to the beat of his heart and dive into the media industry, which changed his life. Mohamed Enaba started as a voice-over artist and then moved into a drive-time slot. Not long after, Mohamed Enaba was waking up the nation with his natural charm.
When he’s not in the studio lighting up listeners’ days, he’s probably out playing football or on an adventure. Mohamed Enaba has been to 55 countries so far and is always looking for ways to up that number. He is daring, curious and would probably eat the most bizarre foods if you offered them to him. If you want to know what’s going on around the city, Mohamed Enaba is your man.
If he was stranded on an island, all he’d wish for is his social media accounts to entertain people.
Mohamed Enaba is a big advocate of spontaneity, he believes in taking every chance he’s given.