Molly Clayton

Pullman, WA

Molly Clayton

Pullman, WA

How many people are in your family? Who are they?

I am the youngest of 11 kids! I have 3 brothers and 7 sisters. And my parents recently celebrated their 44th anniversary! Yay!

Why did you choose WSU?
I initially chose WSU for its outstanding engineering program, but what’s kept me going is the amazing Coug community!

Where is your favorite place to study?
My favorite place to study is right outside the Math Learning Center in Cleveland Hall. If I come across a subject/problem I don't fully understand, the MLC has been a tremendous help and a great resource.

What is your fondest WSU memory thus far?
My fondest memory was definitely my first dad's and mom's weekend. Having my parents come down and see where I lived in my Residence Hall, showing them around campus and even attending some of the campus' activities, was just like the coolest thing ever. Having them experience a little bit of what it’s like to be a Coug, was the best.

What was your first day of classes like?
The first day was definitely a little stressful, and I got lost two or three times. But fellow Cougs were so happy to help direct me to where I needed to be that I felt safe and comforted. All in all, I was just really excited to finally be in a college setting and to start a new journey here at WSU!

What advice do you have for new cougar parents?
My advice to new cougar parents is to never hesitate to ask a question. OC's and staff have tons of resources available to you and your student so please ask away!

Favorite Candy: Hershey's Cookie & Cream :)

Favorite Quote: "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving." --Albert Einstein. This reminds me to never give up, especially when I've already come so far on that bicycle! :)

  • Work
    • Washington State University
  • Education
    • Electrical Engineering