Sandy Edelstein


I have always been obsessed with documenting life through a lens. When my first son was born (14 yrs. ago) I took things a step further and started to really learn how to creatively capture moments. I studied everything I could get my hands on and that was when I started to understand the science of light. My children's first years were so magical to me, all I ever wanted to be in life was a Mom. I had a hard time believing and trusting that all my dreams had come true. The idea that this time was going by so fast made me want to hang on to every second even tighter. Somehow I felt that if I had a photo of each moment, I could actually freeze time. Well my boy's are 14 and 11 now so obviously I couldn't really freeze time, but when I look back at those photos... I am taken back to those moments again. I can actually hear their giggles, screams and babbles of nonsense. I can smell Johnson's baby shampoo, desitin, and strained carrots. So for me it is the next best thing to actually freezing time (and it really is my only choice). Because of this, I strive to catch those "real moments" that do evoke such memories in all of our senses. My eyes and heart are trained on the little things others may overlook. Do I take way too many pictures of my own children, you bet I do. Do I take way too many pictures at every family session? You bet I do. Do I have to wade through hundreds of shots to get the ones that will move you to tears? You bet I do. Would I change a thing? Not for anything in the world. Moments Caught Photography is proud to have been voted #1 Children's photographer in Philadelphia 2010