Monica Florio


Monica Florio


My goal is to give you predictable, reliable results while using both innovative and time-tested marketing techniques to sell your home.

When we work together, you will be updated consistently the way you like to be communicated with. I keep it simple and drama-free. Your home will be marketed effectively and positioned in the market to reach your goals for the sale.

The high level of service my partners - title, insurance and lender partners, my managing broker and transaction coordinator, and more - provide will enhance your experience. They are experienced professionals I trust and regularly count on for advice.

I take on a limited number of clients at a time and that allows me to give 100% of my energy to the clients I'm working with. If this is the kind of Realtor and the type of service you are looking for, please contact me for a no-obligation consultation at 703-651-2502.

  • Work
    • Associate Broker
  • Education
    • Lehigh University