Monica Cainarca

translator, Editor, and dreamer in Italy

Read my articles

Originally from a small and not quite picturesque town between Milan and the Alps, I moved to Ireland to study English and German at UCD, then back to Italy before moving to Germany. After about ten years in Berlin, the last two dividing my time between the two countries, I am now back in Italy, in the happy company of another language geek from the other side of the big pond. Expats of the world unite!

Languages and translation are a passion happily turned into a profession. Today I work mainly for a pretty big translation company on big corporate material, but am equally happy to do volunteer work for good causes and translations of content about journalism, tech and fiction. I started out many many moons ago translating an excerpt from my own dissertation on Neil Jordan, then collaborating on the Italian translation of a well-known book about the internet, and it all escalated from there.

For more details on my background and experience, please see my CV on LinkedIn (alternative if you can’t be bothered with LinkedIn: here’s a quicker summary of my CV) and click the "Read my articles" button above to see some of my recent work for Medium and Internazionale — including the Italian version of an investigation nominated for the National Magazine Award for Reporting, and an article about the risks of AI that was republished both in the online and print version of Internazionale magazine. I am looking forward to doing more translation work for publication.

If you'd like to get in touch feel free to send an email to mcainarca at

  • Work
    • Freelance translator
  • Education
    • University College Dublin
    • City University London