Gina Murphy-Darling

Tucson, Arizona

Gina Murphy-Darling loves being Mrs. Green. She was born to inform, and to engage individuals and businesses in the movement toward global sustainability. As the creator and voice of Mrs. Green’s World Radio Network, Murphy-Darling is a trusted voice in the green movement among experts and mainstream Americans.

Mrs. Green offers simple, creative ways to adopt green habits that benefit individuals, families and companies, and are good for the planet. Everyone from retired chemical engineers to design-school millennials appreciate her authentic and entertaining style of communication. “We challenge people to think, but we don’t tell them what to think,” says Murphy-Darling. “I invite my listeners to join us in creating a world filled with hope, possibility and change for a sustainable future. Every person’s small changes add up to big impact.”

A former successful corporate executive, Gina’s passion for preserving the planet, while morphing into Mrs. Green, was a progressive awakening. After attending a conference on preservation of the rainforest in Peru, Murphy-Darling’s interest became her mission. Her commitment to educating mainstream people like herself about the confusing “green issues” motivated her to launch a radio show, Mrs. Green Goes Mainstream, in 2008. The show is now titled Mrs. Green’s World.

Mrs. Green’s World Radio Network encompasses an Internet radio network with new Mrs. Green’s World shows streaming every Saturday. features an informative and entertaining blog, e-newsletter, topical videos and launch pads for new media platforms. Mrs. Green’s World Radio Network is headquartered in Tucson, Arizona.

  • Work
    • Mrs. Green's World
  • Education
    • Mater Dei High School
    • The University of Arizona