Micah Tinklepaugh

San Francisco

Walt Disney said, "If you can dream it, you can do it."

My dream is to change the way people work. I want to help people get more done with less effort.

What distance does an artist's hand cover from dipping their brush in paint to igniting a canvas with life and meaning?

What unexpected behaviors will robots exhibit and can their codes be stored and easily found to streamline future engineering?

I've been very fortunate to be brought on as an User Experience Intern with Momentum Design Lab in SF. I'm absorbing experience and fresh approach from passionate developers, designers, and business development gurus from some truly brilliant people. At UC San Diego, I've studied Cognitive Science. It is a blend of neurophysiology, physics, calculus, french, and computer programming. It also entails knowing how the mind looks at language, robotics, and how to design any type of product iteratively orin successive milestone steps for a client; from rockets to wearable computing devices.

I am all about meeting people and garnering rich experiences. I'm bent on changing the globe for the better, will you join me?

  • Work
    • Momentum Design Labs
  • Education
    • Cognitive Science @ UC San Diego