Nadia Inanna

Copywriter in Chicago, Illinois

Nadia Inanna's life story unfolds from the serene, picturesque shores of Connecticut to the bustling urban landscape of Chicago, Illinois. Her narrative, rich with the cultural heritage of Russia, is a blend of traditional elegance and modern creative drive. Within her is a wealth of experience spanning six years in creative writing, a solidified education in fashion merchandising, and an enthusiastic love for the art of design. The educational pursuits she chose, specifically fashion merchandising, were not simply a means to an end but a profound expression of her ambition.

Her decision to follow this path was a bold commitment to her dreams, combining her creative instincts with the calculated world of business strategy. Professionally, she has blossomed into a copywriter of exceptional talent, giving voice and texture to the abstract dreams of designers and the branding industry. Her career is a testament to her belief in the power of collaborative creation, and she is always eager to intertwine her narrative skills with the bold ideas of others in her field.

Her creativity extends beyond the fluidity of words into the tangible realm of design. Her skills in accessory creation, spanning the delicate work of leather, the precision of 3D printing, and the traditional art of metalwork, are now coming to fruition in her latest venture—a unique and personal line of accessories that captures her innovative essence. Her life outside of work is just as rich and varied.

It includes the disciplined grace of horseback riding, which showcases her bravery and adventurous spirit, and the practice of Pilates, reflecting her commitment to a balanced and healthy lifestyle. In quieter moments, Nadia's kindness and warmth are expressed through baking. This pastime allows her to share the joy of her craft with friends and the broader community, infusing her culinary creations with the same creativity and care that she brings to all her endeavors.