Nancy McCoy-Wozniak

Stony Brook, NY

When we think of an architect, we think of someone who takes raw materials and space and designs a habitable building structure or living environment. That's one aspect of architecture. Architecture is the art or science of building in general and centers around a unifying form or structure. A structural building architect is in the practice of designing buildings and living spaces. A computer systems architect is in the practice of designing computer networks and systems. A learning architect is in the practice of designing learning modules and spaces to create an active learning environment for faculty and students. She will work with course content, resource materials, instructional technologies, physical spaces, and most importantly, collaborate with faculty and students to build rich learning environments that ignite inquiry, experimentation, creativity, and discovery over a lifetime. The outcomes are self-determined, intrinsic learning behaviors that continue over a lifetime. Both, my mission and passion are to design lifelong, integrative learning habitats of inquiry and discovery for ALL learners. Visit my eportfolio at

  • Work
    • Stony Brook University
  • Education
    • M.A. Foundations of Education, Instructional Design and Technology