Nata Gogia


Greetings to all!
My name is Natalie, was born in the beautiful city of the Caucasus - Tbilisi - Georgia.
She studied at the Tbilisyan univeritet Javakhishvili at the Faculty of German Language and Literature.
According to a Greek mother and I are 20 years old, I live in Greece, in the city of Thessaloniki, which is famous for the Hospitable, the sun hot and tasty coffee.
I got the secondary music education in piano

and I liked writing since childhood Musica and write poetry. However, in Greece, I had to unsubscribe from his Hobie sdes had to make after a hard work, and money - not enough. Now I am engaged in in marketing and anewlearn to dream.

  • Work
    • Freelance
  • Education
    • Higher Education