Nataly Anderson

Consultant, Design Researcher, and Campaigner in Woking, UK

Nataly Anderson

Consultant, Design Researcher, and Campaigner in Woking, UK

Professional and educational background

I am a Strategist and Collaboration Lead in a network of multidisciplinary specialists advocating for the design of nonviolent organisations. We help organisations solve wicked problems, filling in the gaps between research and implementation, data and human hearts, people and bureaucracy. We prioritise human rights and social justice.

My background is in User Experience design, management consulting and marketing, across four countries, in the private and public sector. I have an MBA, a degree in Russian Studies, and a lifelong love of literature and writing.

Human rights and campaign work

Although I have been interested in human rights and environmental protection for years, it was the kidnap of my twin boys and the realisation that the “family justice" system is in serious crisis that prompted me to enter human rights and politics. I realised that our public services have become dominated by private financial interests that are undermining the law and human safety and wellbeing.

I was elected a member of the Policy Council of Liberty, the UK’s leading human rights organisation, in 2023.

I am a co-founder of two campaign groups, Family Court Crisis and EU Hague Mothers. We plan to establish a grassroots organisation promoting the human rights of children and families, offering advocacy and healing spaces.


In 2024 I was selected as the Green Party candidate for the UK General Election for my home town, Woking.

I believe we are in desperate need of a new way of governing our countries. We need a people-powered, humanity-centred and sustainable democracy, not power concentrated in the hands of a few individuals and corporations focused on maximising profits. We need markets that support human and environmental wellbeing, not markets that treat people like commodities and trash our natural environment. And I believe we are capable of achieving that.

Get in touch

You can reach me through my Twitter or LinkedIn profiles using the buttons below.


My social media posts reflect my thoughts and do not represent the opinions of the Green Party of England and Wales or Liberty.

  • Education
    • University of Leeds
    • Central European University Business School