Nathan Felde
Designer in Boston, Massachusetts
Nathan Felde
Designer in Boston, Massachusetts
Nathan Felde is Professor of Design in the Art + Design Department in the College of Arts, Media and Design at Northeastern University. He holds a Master of Science from MIT’s Department of Architecture, was a founder of Lightspeed Computers and Executive Director of broadband media research laboratories for NYNEX (now Verizon). His design work is in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, the Smithsonian, Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum and the Musée de la Arte Decoratif in Paris and has received recognition from the American Academy in Rome, AIGA, International Union of Concerned Scientists, NEA and the Aspen International Design Festival. His projects include work for Bitstream, Fujitsu, Mercedes Benz, Samsung, Harvard School of Business and Orange Labs. Nathan trained and performed for many years as a classical violist, is a Colonel in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, has sailed across the Atlantic and worked with semper fiber to promote creativity and innovation amongst young people in devastated regions of the world. His current focus is delineating a new conceptual framework for experience design that studies attention and trust as coefficients of aesthetics and etiquette.