Nathaniel Brown

Small Business Owner and Filmmaker in New York

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A young entrepreneur, an innovative visionary, a savvy business developer, a dreamer, and a man who is expected to surpass new heights of commercial and financial success are just a few ways people have described Nathaniel K.T. Brown. His creative vision and keen execution have become the signature assets that he brings to every project or business. Over the past few years, Nathaniel has been emerging into one of the most potentially accomplished business men of his generation. Interestingly enough, its not just those facts that make him so promising, but also his dedication to the work of the Lord through missions orientated non profit and charity projects currently on the rise. Nathaniel has and continues to fight against all odds to achieve uncommon and unprecedented success making him an inspiration and role model to those both young and old.

It all began in about the 3rd or 4th grade. It was then Nathaniel started his first venture selling the bracelets he learned how to make during arts and crafts at summer camp. Making the bracelets didn't come easy to his fellow campers, but it did for him. This in turn opened up an opportunity for him to make and sell them for $1 each. Business was booming! As time passed Nathaniel grew Nate's Bracelets into a 3 employee operation by the 7th grade. Moving on to high school, Nathaniel employed about 8 classmates in his fall leaf clean-up service, Sold collector sneakers and concluded his high school career selling cars. Fresh into college Nathaniel owned and operated an automotive performance shop. He also founded a professional race team (CCP Motorsports) which successfully obtained about 10 professional car sponsorships. Soon after, Nathaniel stepped into the world of fashion launching his first clothing line in the summer of 2009 with his cousin.