Neil Prem

Purpose Coach in Cambridge, United Kingdom

Neil Prem

Purpose Coach in Cambridge, United Kingdom

Read my book

Neil Prem is a much in demand purpose coach supporting leaders, change makers and entrepreneurs to get unstuck, discover their gift and do what matters.

He believes that everybody has a talent and message which the world desperately needs, and he shows you how to start where you are, use what you have and do what you can.

Polly Gilbert says he’s ‘a start-up genius’ and David Thomson calls him ‘the most profound and insightful person he has ever known.’

He has helped over 1500 change makers from 50 nations to discover their gift and clarify their message and become thought leaders that people want to follow and in doing so creating hundreds of new social businesses, ventures and community projects.

He has written for The Coach and Liberty Magazine and has been interviewed on the BBC and has led workshops at some of the world’s leading universities including Oxford and Cambridge.

He was one of the first professional coaches in the UK he has personally trained over 40 career coaches and has developed the widely used 12 Core Dynamics, iCARE and DREAM coaching models and co-founded the Allia Serious Impact Programme.

He is a stroke survivor, has lived worked and travelled in over 25 nations and loves street art, cricket and coffee.

Follow him @neilprem