Nelli Rees

Nelli Rees

My first novel, ‘Ghost Love’ has just been released: a love story partly set in the madcap days when Russia was moving from communism to capitalism.

I was born in Moscow, grew up there and studied English and French at a Moscow university. I graduated in the early 90s and found myself in a country that was enduring the second revolution it had endured in the space of seventy years. I met my English husband-to-be there and together we travelled around the CIS witnessing first-hand the changes that the country and its people were going through. Traumatic, exciting and often upsetting times, these experiences have flavoured ‘Ghost Love’.

I am writing this blog to give my readers a sense of what it was like to grow up in Communist USSR and to see it all come to nought in the maelstrom of the early nineties.