J W Nelson

Dancer in Nottingham, United Kingdom

J W Nelson

Dancer in Nottingham, United Kingdom

Read my blog

Born in Birmingham in 1968 into a large family (2 brothers and 3 sisters) I quickly learnt the love for writing. Being the youngest boy didn’t hinder me any way, in fact I had my ‘feed’ of information, for potential stories amongst my immediate and extended family.

By the time I had turned eleven years old I was writing short stories and hearing them read for his fellow pupils, particularly by Mr Hancock, my English teacher. Since those early years I continued to write, giving birth to numerous manuscripts, ideas and unfulfilled dreams. My hope is that “Company of Fools” allow me the opportunity to launch my writing career.

As a married man now with two young children I’m kept busy with managing my responsibilities coupled with a busy, sometime stressful job. Hence the gaps in pushing forward for publication, however my desire has never waned and now I hope to pursue this more fully to hopefully a successful beginning and on-going writing career.

My writing takes part of a dedicated management of time, with help and support from New Writers to supplement, editing, proof reading and the like to finalise and complete a book that is ready for publication.

Although I have only written four books so far, I have at least ten more in the pipeline that I’d love to write. Some of these already have titles, characters, themes, plots, story boarding, so are ready to begin to be written, with some further research.

Joining NWUK will help me see what other authors do, how they work as writers, plus immerse myself in the process of writing, publishing and staying published so I can hopefully achieve my goal of getting the opportunity to write these other books.

I have publsihed my first short book of Poems - Poems for the Festive Season - a 25 teasty treats (one for each day) in the run up to christmas Day. www.amazon.co.uk - search for my title .

  • Work
    • I.T. Software
  • Education
    • School & college - 5 'A' Levels