New Piano

pianist, Teacher, and Student in Miami, Florida

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I am a pianist, teacher, and student currently living in Miami, Florida. My interests range from music to singing. I am also interested in technology.

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Finding the best digital piano for your needs and budget is a fantastic way to learn to play, without having to break the bank, or your back, by getting a traditional acoustic piano. The convenience of size and portability is a real plus. Rather than 450-500 lbs. for a conventional upright and even more for grand pianos, digital pianos weigh considerably less and can usually be disassembled as well for easier transporting or storing.

So, what makes a digital piano digital? It is really an instrument that is capable of creating an audio and sense related sound, as like playing an acoustic piano. This basically works by using an audio system rather than strings and hammers to create the particular piano-like sound, electronically tested sounds, and built-in amplifiers, as well as those that have weighted key action to imitate the action of an acoustic piano.

The system of the best digital piano would include these particulars: the digital audio bank, an amplifier or two, speakers/headphone jacks, a keyboard with a weighted key action, and optical or other electronic sensors which usually identify the rate with which you strike the keys. Modern digital pianos have weighted keys which may precisely replicate the sense and ‘weight’ of pressing with a traditional acoustic piano’s keys.

When hitting a key, this usually picks up the particular key’s speed via sensors, generating notes with equivalent loudness if you hit it faster, or harder, it would produce an even louder effect by means of its microchip, similar to a standard stringed piano.

To approximate the feel of a piano’s keyboard, the weighted keys additionally provide a different degree of volume based on how hard you press on the actual keys, similar to a typical acoustic piano.

Modern grand pianos have weighted keys which precisely replicate the sense and ‘weight’ of playing on a traditional acoustic piano’s keys. The weighted keys additionally provide a different degree of volume based on how hard you press on the actual keys, similar to a typical acoustic piano.