Allen Nice-Webb
Photographer, Teacher, and Consultant in Asheville, North Carolina
Photography and nature hikes help me to relax and take a break from my many varied pursuits. For many years I have taken photos on my hikes and it is now time to share my photo memories for others to enjoy.
My journey in life has led me to become a certified Math, Physics, General Science, and Bible Teacher in the state of North Carolina. As a part of my professional development I became a National Board Certified Teacher of Mathematics and a Kenan Fellow. I have been teaching now for over thirty-six years in traditional and alternative school settings. I am retired from teaching now and will devote my energies to my family, photography, and the development of creative expressions for encouragement and education globally.
I have taught math and science in both private and public schools ranging from fourth grade to twelfth grade. It has also been a joy to serve adult learners within community college developmental mathematics courses.
There have been times when I stepped out of the public school system to teach youth and young adults in other ways, by serving as:
Positive Youth Development Lead Trainer for The B.E.S.T. Initiative (Professional Development for Youth Workers) in Philadelphia, serving a variety of programs within 62 youth-serving organizations
Master Teacher for a Motivational Educational Training Center
Developmental Mathematics Educator for Community Colleges
Outdoor School Educator at a year-round Retreat Center
Low-Ropes Course Initiatives Trainer for youth groups, camps, Americorps, YMCA Directors, and community centers
Student preparation trainer for multi-state high-stakes assessments
Math tutor and Science teacher for Upward Bound students
Conference Youth & Young Adult Minister for 54 Congregations in northeastern U.S.A.
Campus Pastor for students in a private high school
Church and Community Mediator, including youth and young adults
Youth & Young Adult Retreat Speaker