Nichola Robbert

Malibu, California

As a child growing up, I was fascinated with my uncle Dennis Bartram who was an osteopath and also a 10th Dan ninja. From him I learned bodywork, mindbody integration, kinesthesiology, cranial sacral osteopathy, hypnosis, and more. The wisdom he introduced me to set me on a lifelong journey into the healing arts. When my father got cancer in 1991, uncle Dennis moved into our house and put my family on a macrobiotic diet. Unfortunately, it didn't save my dad. But it taught me about food and healing, and most probably, saved my life.

Ten years later I flew to India and traveled the country for a year, moving from ashram to ashram, studying ayurveda, yoga and bodywork. I came back with less ego and more insight. I feel I woke up in India spiritually.

Today, I continue to journey in the wellness scene in Southern California, often accompanied by my husband Bengt, always looking for new opportunities for product development and more insights into wellness and lifelong vitality.