Nicholas Caris

Tampa, FL

Nicholas Caris

Tampa, FL

I live in Tampa, FL now, but I grew up in a small town in Ohio. Eagar to serve my country and live a better life left me with signing a contract with USMC for 5 years in the infantry. I have deployed 3 times during those 5 years to both Iraq and Afghanistan, during which I discovered myself in a new depth.

After that, I decided I needed to share what I learned and use it to better everyone I meet.

Now I consistently volunteer as the social director for a veteran’s non-profits local chapter, Team RWB. Where we introduce the community to its veterans through social and physical opportunities. I personally am in charge of planning social events, establishing relationships with local businesses, and all communication and coordination between the team leaders and chapter members.
I also am a full-time student at Devry University studying a Bachelor of Science and technical management. My concentration is in computer and electronic technology and I will have my degree by January of 2015.

My goal in life is to inspire as many people as I can to better them and encourage greatness. There is a significant amount of people on this planet and we should learn to be more forgiving of others actions and guide the ones on the beaten path to the smooth pavement.

Honor Courage Commitment

  • Work
    • Team RWB Tampa
  • Education
    • Devry University